Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library

The history of christianity, from the disciples to the dawn of the reformation, Luke Timothy Johnson

The history of christianity, from the disciples to the dawn of the reformation, Luke Timothy Johnson
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Main title
The history of christianity
Responsibility statement
Luke Timothy Johnson
Sub title
from the disciples to the dawn of the reformation
For nearly 2,000 years, the Christian faith has remained at or near the center of Western moral debate and conceptions of human identity, just action, and ultimate meaning. How did this happen? Find out in these 36 illuminating lectures that tell the phenomenal story of Christianity's first 1,500 years, in all its remarkable diversity and complex dimension. In the company of Professor Johnson, you'll follow the dramatic trajectory of Christianity from its beginnings as a "cult of Jesus" to its rise as a fervent religious movement; from its emergence as an unstoppable force within the Roman Empire to its critical role as an imperial religion; from its remarkable growth, amid divisive disputes, to the ultimate schism between Eastern Orthodoxy and Western Catholicism; and from its spread throughout the Western world to its flowering as a culture that shaped Europe for 800 years. Along the way, you'll correct misconceptions about Christianity's past; gain insight into the relation of faith to politics, economics, and culture; grasp how Christian institutions and liturgy originated and developed; better comprehend the cultural present, where a majority of Americans hold Christian beliefs; and deepen your appreciation of the majestic sweep of history that Christianity's rise represents. These lectures bring to life a truly epic story, giving you a multilayered knowledge of Christianity's origins, rise, and civilization-shaping presence in our world. All Lectures: 1. The Historical Study of Christianity 2. The First Cultural Context - Greece and Rome 3. The First Cultural Context - Judaism 4. The Jesus Movement and the Birth of Christianity 5. Paul and Christianity's First Expansion 6. The Diversity of Early Christianity 7. The Unpopular Cult - Persecution 8. Forms of Witness - Martyrdom and Apologetic 9. Extreme Christianity in the 2nd and 3rd Centuries 10. The Shaping of Orthodoxy 11. Institutional Development before Constantine 12. The Beginnings of Christian Philosophy 13. Imperial Politics and Religion 14. Constantine and the Established Church 15. The Extension of Christian Culture 16. Monasticism as Radical Christianity 17. The Emergence of Patriarchal Centers 18. Theological Crisis and Council - The Trinity 19. Theological Crisis and Council - Christology 20. The Distinctive Issues of the Latin West 21. Expansion beyond the Boundaries of Empire 22. The Court of Justinian and Byzantine Christianity 23. The Rise of Islam and the Threat of Iconoclasm 24. Eastern Orthodoxy - Holy Tradition 25. From Roman Empire to Holy Roman Empire 26. Benedictine Monasticism and Its Influence 27. Evangelization of Western Europe 28. The Great Divorce between East and West 29. Monastic Reform 30. Cathedrals and Chapters 31. The Crusades 32. Papal Revolution 33. Universities and Theology 34. The Great Plague 35. Corruption and the Beginnings of Reform 36. The Ever-Adapting Religion
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